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The mapcode system reference document

Here you find the latest version of the reference document for the mapcode system:

Territories and standard codes

Below is a table of territories and their standard abbreviations. Most codes are based on the ISO 3166 standard for 2 character country abbreviations. Short country codes are unique. Short state codes are not always unique. For example, the short state code "AL" can mean the state of Alabama in the USA or the state Alagoas in Brazil. In international databases, it is therefore recommended to use the full code (such as "US-AL"), which is always unique. 

You can find additional information here:

Terms of use

The mapcode algorithms and data tables may not be altered in any way that would result in the production of different (and thus incompatible) mapcodes. The mapcode algorithms and data tables may not be used in any way to generate a different system that produces codes to represent locations. In order to prevent misuse, unauthorised alterations, copying or commercial exploitation, please note that the ideas and algorithms behind the mapcode system have been patented and that the term "mapcode" is a registered trademark of the Stichting Mapcode Foundation.

Our mapcode source code is released under the Apache License Version 2.0.

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